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 ▼あほ  ぼけなす 24/5/23(木) 11:46
   ┗Re:あほ  鹿一 24/5/23(木) 12:51
      ┗Re:あほ  赫赫鹿鹿 24/5/23(木) 13:14

 ■題名 : あほ
 ■名前 : ぼけなす
 ■日付 : 24/5/23(木) 11:46
   The level of the reserve players is not low, although many people seem to misunderstand.
It is difficult to explain, but the current tactic works only when all players in the game are facing the same vector, so it is necessary to always play with the same members at first, and it will take more time for this to spread to all players.
Those who are making a fuss about reinforcements must be old people who only know about soccer 20-30 years ago.
The team has only played a few games since they started using the new tactics, so they need to take a longer-term view.

 ───────────────────────────────────────  ■題名 : Re:あほ  ■名前 : 鹿一  ■日付 : 24/5/23(木) 12:51  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
   You got that right.

>The level of the reserve players is not low, although many people seem to misunderstand.
>It is difficult to explain, but the current tactic works only when all players in the game are facing the same vector, so it is necessary to always play with the same members at first, and it will take more time for this to spread to all players.
>Those who are making a fuss about reinforcements must be old people who only know about soccer 20-30 years ago.
>The team has only played a few games since they started using the new tactics, so they need to take a longer-term view.

 ───────────────────────────────────────  ■題名 : Re:あほ  ■名前 : 赫赫鹿鹿  ■日付 : 24/5/23(木) 13:14  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>You got that right.
>>The level of the reserve players is not low, although many people seem to misunderstand.
>>It is difficult to explain, but the current tactic works only when all players in the game are facing the same vector, so it is necessary to always play with the same members at first, and it will take more time for this to spread to all players.
>>Those who are making a fuss about reinforcements must be old people who only know about soccer 20-30 years ago.
>>The team has only played a few games since they started using the new tactics, so they need to take a longer-term view.



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